A successful MSA meeting

11 June 2018

Thank you to all who contributed to make the ICOS Ocean MSA meeting in Trieste a successful one. Bringing together and further developing the ICOS marine station community across platforms is an important benefit of the MSA meeting.

The station PIs and the OTC congratulate Are, Meike and Nathalie in reaching the milestone of having their stations Nuka Arctica and France-Brazil lines recommended to be approved for passing stage 3 of the station labeling process at the ICOS General Assembly in Bergen 31.5. This was an inspiring start for the interactive labeling session in the morning of day 1.

It was also welcomed by the community that UK is ready to onboard to co-host the OTC. A meeting between the current OTC leadership, Eija Juroola from the ICOS Head Office and Richard Sanders from NOC concluded a roadmap for the UK institutions to formally join the OTC by approval by the ICOS GA in November this year. The roadmap will be presented to the ICOS GA on 31.5.

The OTC community also thanked Roman Battisti as he announced that he will be moving back to the US. His contribution will be missed, particularly for being responsible for the communication with you all on the labeling issues and for organising the successful General Oceanics and CONTROS workshop we had in Bergen in March this year.

The MSA meeting was efficiently and warmly hosted by OGS & ISMAR CNR and we thank especially Vanessa and Michele for their hospitality.

The next MSA meeting is tentatively scheduled for March 18-19 2019 in Southampton. Please note these dates in your calendars.

We will soon follow up with more information from the content and the outcome of the meeting including presentations, minutes and recording of sessions.

Participants of the MSA 2018 in Trieste
Participants of the MSA 2018 in Trieste.​​​​​​