The MSA chairs and the local organizers, OGS & ISMAR CNR, welcomes the ICOS Oceans community to the 2018 MSA meeting in Trieste, Italy 14 and 15 May 2018.
Final agenda updated with science presentation er now available.
Presentation information: if you will give a presentation please notice that the only computer that will be used during the meeting runs under windows 10 and Office 2016 (completely compatible with mac files).
Practical travel information
If you arrive in Venice Marco Polo Airport:
you have to take the direct bus (Mestre Express) to the train station Venezia Mestre (ticket cost is 8 euro for a single ride), attached you find the time schedule or you can also go to the website. The ride takes approximately 17' but depends on the traffic.
You can buy train tickets online at:
The tickets are valid up to 4 hours from the train you book (this in case you are not able to catch it, however you can not use it before)
For those arriving at Trieste airport:
take bus #51, machines are located just outside the arrival area inside the airport. Attached the Time table from and to the airport.
Hotel (All the hotels are walking distance from the train station.)
Recommended: NH (4*) from 90 € per night for single and 100 € for double including breakfast
Other hotels Hotel Posta 3*
Hotel Continental 4*