
OTC Work Programme 2022

The work programme as adopted by the OTC during Autumn 2022

OTC services 

OTC brochure 2020 - The services we offer (February 2020)

ICOS Data Policy document

The aim of the ICOS Data Policy is to guarantee a smooth data flow from the ICOS Research Infrastructure (ICOS RI) National Networks, Central Facilities (such as the Ocean Thematic Centre) and Carbon Portal to the users to provide open, easy access to ICOS data and develop user-driven services for user communities. The ICOS Data Policy Document can be found here.

Station reports

2020 station report  (May)

External QC documents

Guide to Best Practices for Ocean CO2 Measurements, October 2007

pdfComparison of ten packages that compute ocean carbonate chemistry, March 2015


Labelling documents

pdf ICOS Marine Labeling Step 2 document (Version 6.1)

pdfUpdate of ICOS OTC Station Labelling Requirements, March 2019

       -> former versions of labelling documents

Labeling reports

Metadata templates

xlsSOOP line metadata list

xlsFOS metadata list



pdfCalculation uncertainty of pCO2 from discrete samples of TA, DIC, and pH, June 2018

pdfUncertainty analysis for calculations of the marine carbonate system for ICOS-Oceans stations, January 2020

pdfIntegrating the new CO2 sensor from Licor (LI7815) into the GO pCO2 system, March 2020



Workshop 2018 documents